
Bring Technician to Basel for PCR and IgM testing and Having Healthy Stroll from Neuhüsli to Reh

Enjoying Last Working Week in Laufen and Getting Many Incidents on Last Day

Bringing Technician who from Asia to Euroairport to do PCR Test and Having Relaxing Weekend in Basel und Laufen

Enjoying Third Working Week in Laufen and Having Nice Meals at Hotel-Restaurant Weisses Kreuz Everyday

Enjoying Lunch in Old Town Laufen and Going for Outing Nearby Laufen and Himmelried

Enjoying Second Working Week in Laufen and Having Nice Meals at Hotel-Restaurant Weisses Kreuz Everyday

Enjoying First Working Week in Laufen and Taking Walk nearby Town Breitenbach This Weekend

Looking Back Colorful Life This Week and Preparing for All New Challenge in Town Laufen Tomorrow

Taking Stroll on Street and Catching Up with Friend Together in Old Town Herisau

Having Good Time in City Bern and Cheering for Switzerland National Football Team with My Queen