
Traveling in Biel (Bienne) with My Queen this Weekend

Traveling in Basel with My Queen this Weekend

Accompanying My Queen to Meeting at Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHz) and Having Outing in Dübendorf with My Friend

Catching up with My Friend and Enjoying Meal at Am Gallusplatz

Tasting Taoyuan Night Market Snacks and Catching up with Friends

Exploring Shanlinxi Forest Recreation Area and Visiting Xitou Monster Village in Nantou

Visting Bantaoyao Craft Park in Xingang, Kumquat Factory in Minxiong and Taiping Sky Bridge in Meishan

Visiting Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum and Dashu Old Railway Bridge Wetland Park

Hiking on Mt. Guanyin and Enjoying Autumn with My Queen

Exploring Mountain Khao Chi Chan, and Having Relaxing Time by Beach Samaesarn

Playing in Water and Watching Turtles with Friends in Pattaya and Sattahip

Passing through Taoyuan, then Flying to Bangkok to Visit Friends